中国石油独山子石化分公司10.0 Mt/a常减压装置在开工过程中,常压渣油泵存在振动大、备用泵预热后盘不动车、盘车不灵活等现象。通过对原有泵解检发现叶轮口环由于被壳体口环抱死而脱落,泵轴出现弯曲。对比泵叶轮口环与壳体口环间隙理论尺寸与实际尺寸,将叶轮口环与壳体口环间隙由原来的0.80 mm调整到2.00mm;并在叶轮口环上加工阻流槽,利用梳齿密封的原理增加液流阻力,减少内漏,提高泵效率,以解决加大叶轮口环与壳体口环间隙后泵效率下降的问题。同时针对泵弯曲问题,采取将泵轴材质由316奥氏体不锈钢改为2Cr13马氏体不锈钢,更改预热方式等措施,解决了设备长期存在的故障,确保了设备正常运行和装置平稳生产。
In the start-up of a 10.0 MM TPY crude distillation unit in PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company, atmospheric residue oil pump experienced great vibration, the spare pump could not be rotated after preheating, and inflexible rotating and other phenomena were also found. The examination of the original pump found the impeller wear ring was shedded by shell orifice ring, and the shaft was bent. The theoretical spacings of impeller wear ring and shell orifice ring were compared with actual spacings. The spacing of impel- ler wear ring and the shell orifice ring was adjusted from original 0.8 mm to 2.0 ram. Drag chutes were pro- vided at the impeller wear ring to increase the resistance to the liquid flow, reduce internal leakage and improve the pump efficiency and solve the problems of reduced efficiency of pumps after enlarging the spacing of impeller wear ring and shell orifice ring. The 2Cr13 Martensitic stainless steel was selected for pump shaft to replace 316 stainless steel and preheating method was modified. All these have solved the problem of safety hazard and ensured the long-term, normal and stable operation of the unit equipment.
Petroleum Refinery Engineering
crude distillation unit, atmospheric residue oil pump, accident analysis, vibration