田间试验结果表明 ,覆膜旱作条件下 ,全生育期土壤含水量是露地旱作的 1 1 3倍 ,水稻单产比对照增加 3 3 6% ;覆膜湿润栽培条件下 ,与常规淹水栽培相比 ,其节水率达 78 3 % ,单产增加 3 3 9% ,灌溉水生产效率达 1 4 5kg/m3 ,是常规淹水栽培的 6 1 7倍。
Emphasis has been put on the drought resistance effect of rice growth in upland and the water save effect of rice planted in paddy field both using plastic mulching cultivation technology. Experiment results showed that the new technology has distinctive effects. The soil water deposit during the rice growing season which planted in upland was 1 66 times over that of non mulched rice while the yield was increased by 33 6%. Comparing with common practice on paddy field, the plastic mulching rice obtained higher water saving rate (78 3%), yield (33 9%) and irrigation water productivity (14 5 kg/m 3, 6 2 times of common practice).
Hubei Agricultural Sciences