目的了解青岛市李沧区健康成人全血中铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、硒(Se)及锌/铜(Zn/Cu)的含量及其分布特点,建立其在全血中正常的参考值范围。方法于2006年-2007年,2011年-2012年调查了李沧区6个街道办事处537名健康居民,用微波消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱仪进行测定,用SPSS 11.5对数据进行统计处理。结果李沧区健康成人全血中Cu、Zn、Se及Zn/Cu的总体范围:Zn为3.11 mg/L^6.95 mg/L、Cu为0.520 mg/L^1.089 mg/L、Se为54.6μg/L^161.9μg/L;Zn/Cu为2.95~10.01;其中,Zn、Cu呈正态分布,而Se呈偏态分布;正常参考值范围:男性Cu(mg/L):0.616~0.942,女性Cu(mg/L):0.531~1.008;男性Zn(mg/L):4.23~6.59,女性Zn(mg/L):3.45~5.65;男性Se(μg/L):61.1~114.9,女性Se(μg/L):64.11~22.7;男性Zn/Cu:5.20~8.92;女性Zn/Cu:3.75~7.16。结论女性Cu显著高于男性,男性Zn、Zn/Cu显著高于女性;女性Se和男性Cu与年龄呈正相关;吸烟是导致男性居民血铜降低的一个不可忽视的原因。
Objective To know the concentrations and distribution of zinc, copper, selenium, as well as zinc/copper ratios in whole blood of healthy adults in Licang dirstrict, so as to establish the normal reference intervals of zinc, copper, selenium, and zinc/copper ratio. Methods From 2006 to 2007 and from 2011 to 2012, whole blood samples were collected from 537 healthy adu]Ft blood donors living in six subdistrict offices of Licang district to detect the levels of zinc, copper, selenium, zinc/copper ratio by microwave digestion - inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry and the statistical calculation was performed u- sing the SPSS software v. 11.5. Results The total range of trace elements in healthy adult blood of Licang dirstric were as fol- lows, Zn (3.11 mg/L - 6.95 mg/L) , Cu (0. 520 mg/L - 1. 089 mg/L), Se (54.6 μg/L ~ 161.9 μg/L), zinc/copper ratio (2.95 - 10.01 ). In whole blood, Zn and Cu were found to he a normal distribution, while Se was a skew distribution. The nor- mal reference range of Se in whole blood was 61.1 μg/L - 114.9 μg/L for men and 64.1 μg/L - 122.7 μg/L for women, while that of Zn was 4.23 mg/L -6.59 mg/L for men and 3.45 mg/L -5.65 mg/L for women, that of Cu was 0. 616 mg/L ~ 0.942 mg/L for men and 0. 531 mg/L ~ 1. 008 mg/L for women, that of Zn/Cu ratio was 5.20 ~ 8.92 for men and 3.75 ~ 7.16 for women. Conclusion Higher Cu concention was detected in women than that in men, while higher Zn concentration and Zn/Cu ratio were found in men than those in women. Se levels in blood increased with age in women and Cu concentration increased with age in men. Smoking could cause significant lower levels of blood Cu eoncention in men.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Healthy adults
Whole blood
Metal elements
Reference value