:[目的 ]观察不同职业人群的工作能力和紧张程度 ,评价工作能力与紧张程度的关系。 [方法 ]用芬兰职业卫生研究所研制的工作能力指数 (WAI)表和紧张自评量表 (SCLS) ,对某供电所的 498名不同劳动类型的职业人员进行调查分析。 [结果 ]随着年龄增长 ,职业人员的WAI得分显著降低 (P <0 0 1)。混合劳动者的工作能力最好 ,工作能力状况的分布优、良占大多数 (88 1% ) ;不同年龄、劳动类型的职业人员WAI与SCLS得分呈明显的负相关 ,体力劳动者和 35岁到 45岁的脑力劳动者职业人员WAI与SCLS得分相关系数最大。 [结论 ]随着年龄增长 ,职业人员的工作能力下降 ;职业人员的工作能力与紧张程度有明显的负相关。在开展职业卫生服务时 。
Objective] To investigate work ability and stress,the relationship between work ability and stress level (physical demanding,mental demanding and mixed demanding) in different professional workers was evaluated. [Methods] Work ability and stress in 498 different professional workers were investigated with Work Ability Index (WAI) and Stress Check List for Self (SCLS) questionnaires. 367 male and 131 female workers were examined,their mean age was 37 8±10 7 years. [Results] With advancing age,WAI was significantly decreased,stress level was significantly increased. There was marked relationship between WAI and stress level in professional workers of different age. [Conclusion] In occupational health care,different health intervention measures should be suggested for different professional workers.