Objective To explore the effects of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and its inhibitor valdecoxib in liver fibrosis. Methods Hepatic fibrosis was induced by carbon tetraehloride for 8 weeks in wild-type and COX-2 knockout mice. And the levels of hyalurouic acid ( HA ) , collagen IV ( IV-C ) , procollagen III( PC m ) and a-smooth muscle actin ( a-SMA ) were determined. Cyclin D and cyclin E were measured in hepatic satellite cell (HSC) after a treatment of valdecoxib for 24 h or not. Results HA, IV- C, PC m and ct-SMA all had significant difference in 3 groups (control group:( 180 ± 13 )μg/L, (56 ± 9 )μg/L, (39 ±13)μg/L, 2.49% ±0.24% in control, F=78.52, 61.30, 41.96, 28.15, all P〈0.05). HA, 1V-C and a-SMA in wild-type liver fibrosis mice were higher than those in knockout counterparts ( (413 ±60) vs (308 ±42) p,g/L, (96 ± 13) vs (74 ± 10 ) μg,/L, 8.99% ±0. 81% vs 4.72% ±0. 50%, all P 〈 0. 01 ). But PC Ill were similar between two groups ( ( 82 ± 12) vs (72 ± 15) μg/L, P = 0. 06). Wild-type mice expressed higher levels of eyelin D and cyelin E than those of knockout mice (0. 96 ± 0. 15 vs 0. 76 ± 0.10 , 0.94±0. 13 vs0.82±0.09, P=0.02, 0.04). The rates of eyelin D andcyelinEwere 0.40 ± 0. 06 and 0. 38 ± 0. 05, 0. 35 ± 0. 04 and 0. 37 ± 0. 06 respectively after a treatment of valdeeoxib. And both deceased in hepatic satellite eell of wild-type and knockout mice ( both P 〈 0. 01 ) versus those without valdeeoxib. Conclusions COX-2 increases the activation and proliferation of HSC leading to liver fibrosis. And its inhibitor may depress liver fibrosis by decreasing the expressions of eyclin D and eyelin E in COX-2 dependent and(or) independent way.
National Medical Journal of China