开放教育关键要新在“教”与“学”上。电大的教学要充分利用现代化教育设施与信息 ,使教学向“教不必师”转化。而教师的工作要从“讲课”向“讲学”转化 ,即从传统的向学生传授知识向指导学生掌握获取知识的方法和能力转化。与此相适应 ,学生的“学”也要从被动的听课、记笔记、复习课文 ,向借助现代学习设施和信息手段来获取知识和提高能力转化 ,由被动的学向主动的学转化。“学无定式” ,现代学生获取新知识和提高学习能力的手段 ,应该越来越灵活 。
The key of open education is 'teaching' and 'learning' The teaching in RTVU should make full use of modern education devices and information, and make the student convert to 'learning in various ways', and teachers convert from 'teaching the materials' to 'teaching how to learn', i e from the conventional way of teaching the students knowledge to instruct the students the ways and abilities of acquire the knowledge Accordingly, the 'learning' of the students should be converted from the conventional ways of attending the lectures, taking notes, reviewing the texts to acquiring knowledge by the aid of modern learning devices and information, and from passive learning to active learning Students should have more multiple and modern ways of learning
Chinese Journal of Distance Education