报道了采用LD端面抽运的BaWO4晶体内腔式连续拉曼激光器和复合YVO4晶体连续自拉曼激光器的实验研究。考虑了激光晶体的热效应,采用等效G参数法计算了谐振腔内的腔模参数,从谐振腔结构、泵浦光斑大小以及晶体的选择方面对激光器系统进行了优化设计,对不同腔结构的全固态连续拉曼激光器的性能进行了研究。选用拉曼增益高、热性能较好的BaWO4晶体作为拉曼介质,实现了LD端面泵浦Nd:YVO4/BaWO4内腔式、低阈值、高效率和高功率的拉曼激光在1 180nm的连续运转。在25.5 W的泵浦功率下,获得了3.36W的1 180nm连续拉曼光输出,光光转换效率为13.2%,斜效率为15.3%,拉曼阈值为3.6 W。通过选用复合晶体作为自拉曼介质使连续拉曼激光器的热效应显著改善,实现了LD端面泵浦连续自拉曼激光器在1 175nm的高效运转。在25.5W的泵浦功率下,获得了最高3.4W的1 175nm连续拉曼光输出,光-光转换效率为13.3%,拉曼阈值降低至2.21W,斜效率为14.6%。
Laser diode end-pumped continuous-wave BaWO4 intracavity Raman laser and composite YVO4 self-Raman laser are reported. By using equivalent G parameter method, the cavity mode parame- ters are calculated with the consideration of the thermal lens in the laser crystal. The laser system is op- timized by designing the cavity construction,pump beam size and choosing the crystal. A high-efficiency continuous-wave Raman conversion with a BaWO4 Raman crystal in a diode-end-pumped Nd: YVO4 la- ser has been demonstrated. Since BaWO4 has high Raman gain and good thermal properties, the continu- ous-wave Raman laser with low threshold,high efficiency,good stability and high output power can be realized. The highest output power obtained at the 1 180 nm is 3.36 W under the diode power of 25.5 W,corresponding to a slope efficiency of 15.3% and a diode-to-Stokes optical conversion efficiency of 13.2%. The Raman threshold is 3.6 W of diode power at 808 nm. By using composite YVO4 crystal as the laser and Raman medium simultaneously, the diode-end-pumped continuous-wave self-Raman laser at 1 175 nm has been demonstrated. The thermal effects can be efficiently improved by using the composite crystal as gain medium. The highest output power obtained at the 1 175 um is 3.4 W under the diode power of 25.5 W,corresponding to a slope efficiency of 14. 6% and a diode-to-Stokes optical conversion efficiency of 13.3%. The Raman threshold is as low as 2.21 W of diode power at 808 nm.
Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser