目的:探讨血浆(1,3)-β-D葡聚糖检测对侵袭性肺部真菌感染早期诊断的意义。方法:应用MB-80微生物快速动态检测系及GKT-5MSet动态真菌检测试剂盒定量检测血浆中(1,3)-β-D葡聚糖的含量,并进行统计学分析。结果:87例真菌培养阳性且结合临床确诊为侵袭性肺部真菌感染患者血浆(1,3)-β-D葡聚糖定量检测有82例阳性,阳性率为94.25%,血浆(1,3)-β-D葡聚糖含量为65.0±21.25 pg/ml,阴性对照组为4.0±1.84 pg/ml。两组数据经t检验,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:血浆(1,3)-β-D葡聚糖检测方法具有早期、快速、简便、灵敏度和特异度高的优点,可为侵袭性肺部真菌感染疾病的早期诊断和疗效判断提供一定的参考依据。
Objective To study the Early Diagnostic significance of plasma (1-3)-β-D-Glucan detection for Invasive pulmonary fungal infection.Method The concentrations of (1,3)-β-D-glucan in plasma of the selected cases were quantitatively detected by Microbiology Kinetic rapid Reader MB-80 and kinetic mycetes detection kit GKT-5MSet.The results were statistically analyzed.Results Through plasma (1-3)-β-D-Glucan quantitative measuring,there were 82 positiveness among 87 Invasive pulmonary fungal infection patients insured by positive fungal culture and clinical diagnosis.The positive rate was 94.25%,mean content of plasma (1-3)-β-D-Glucan of this group was (65.0±21.25)pg/ml,The negtive control group was (4.0±1.84)pg/ml,By t-test,there was significant difference between infection group and control group (P〈0.05).Conclusion The method of plasma (1-3)-β-D-Glucan test is early,rapid,simple,high sensitivity and specificity.it will provide valuable basis that is early diagnosis and therapeutic effect of Invasive pulmonary fungal infection diseases.
Jilin Medical Journal