目的:比较人工流产后和月经间期放置活性γ型宫内节育器(IUD)的临床效果。方法:采用多中心临床对照试验的方法,在全国10个省市的27家计划生育服务和医疗机构,对符合本研究纳入标准的观察对象,分别在月经间期、人工流产后即时放置活性γ型IUD,比较其避孕效果。结果:共接收观察对象1 300例,月经间期放置IUD 824例(月经间期组),人工流产后即时放置IUD 476例(人流后组)。随访12个月时,月经间期组和人流后组带器妊娠率均较低(≤0.12/百妇女年),脱落相关终止率分别为1.53/百妇女年、2.20/百妇女年,脱落相关终止原因中两组均以下移为主,医疗原因取出率分别为1.74/百妇女年、1.06/百妇女年,人流后组所有的医疗原因取出均发生在放置后3个月内。人流后组置器后前3个月IUD相关终止率一直高于月经间期组,但放置12个月时终止率基本相等。两组间差异均无统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:人工流产后和月经间期放置活性γ型IUD均安全可靠。
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of active γ-IUD inserted in menstrual interval (menstrual interval group) and immediately after vacuum aspiration (post-abortion group). Methods: A multicenter clinical control trail was performed in 27 collaboration centers. Totally 1300 eligible women were inserted active γ-IUD during the two peri- ods. Results: Among 1300 women, 824 had an active γ-IUD inserted in menstrual interval, 476 after abortion. By the end of the first year, the pregnancy rates with IUD in situ from the two groups were low (40.12/100 women year). The expulsion rates of two groups were 1.53/100 women years and 2.20/100 women years, respectively. For the ex pulsion reasons, IUD moving down was the most significant. The removal rate for medical reason were 1.76/100 women years and 1.06/100 women years in the two groups, and all of the medical removals in post-abortion group oc curred within 3 months. During the first 3 months after insertion, the removal rate for IUD relation in abortion group was higher than that in menstrual interval group, gut by the end of the year, the removal rate for IUD relation of two groups were almost equal. All above, the differences were not statistically significant (P〉0.05). Conclusion: Insertion of active γ-IUD in menstrual interval or immediately after vacuum aspiration are feasible, safe and effectiveness.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning
Intrauterine device
Menstrual interval
Removal rate