AM fungal genetic diversity in the rhizosphere of Lonicera japonica and the influencing soil factors were investigated by the methods of PCR-DGGE combined with molecular cloning techniques. Soil samples were collected in the rhizosphere of L. japonica and divided a depth of 30 cm into three sections, i. e. 0-10, 10--20 and 20--30 cm from Anguo city of Hebei province in March, June, Sep- tember and December 2011, respectively. DGGE was performed on polyacrylamide gels with the dena- turing gradient from 40% to 60% and 80 g .L-1 Acrylamide, 25 μL PCR products were used for DGGE analysis. The electrophoresis was running at a fixed voltage of 130 V for 8 h at 60 ℃. The fin- gerprint of DGGE showed that a total of 15 species of AM fungi were discovered. 10 bands of domi- nant species from DGGE fingerprint atlas were sequenced; all of the sequences had the highest similar- ity (≥95%) to uncultured Glomus. The result indicated that Glomus was the dominant genera of AM fungal colony in the rhizosphere of L. japonica. DGGE band sequences and phylogenetic analysis re- vealed that all sequences can be divided into five groups, the dominant species had definite differences among the seasons and soil layers, none of endemic species to four seasons. RDA analysis revealed that the distribution of AM fungi were significantly and negatively correlated with soil total N and or- ganic C, and significantly and positively correlated with soil pH.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica