
健康教育干预对提高喀什伽师县农村妇女宫颈癌知晓率的作用研究 被引量:5

Research on the role of health education in improving Uyghur women′s awareness of cervical cancer in Kashgar payzawat
摘要 目的探讨健康教育干预对提高农村维吾尔族妇女对宫颈癌及人乳头状瘤病毒(Human Papillomavirus,HPV)认知程度的作用,为新疆维吾尔族宫颈癌的防治工作提供健康教育干预依据。方法随机抽取喀什地区伽师县克孜勒博依乡950例维吾尔族妇女,以电视讲座、集体讲座、专家现场咨询、发放宣传手册等方式进行宫颈癌及HPV认知程度的问卷调查;对妇女实施健康教育干预2a后,再次对研究对象进行宫颈癌及HPV认知程度的问卷调查,了解健康教育干预的效果;对干预前后的资料进行比较分析。结果健康教育前妇女对宫颈癌认知程度普遍较低,其中高中文化程度以上的妇女对宫颈癌的知晓率高于小学文化及其以下的妇女;健康教育干预后,妇女对宫颈癌的知晓率由23.16%提高至54.53%,对宫颈癌好发年龄的知晓率由12.74%提高至33.16%,对宫颈癌高危因素的知晓率由4.94%提高至15.58%,定期做妇科检查的妇女比例由3.37%提高至15.26%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论南疆农村维吾尔族妇女对宫颈癌的认知程度与文化程度和职业有关,随着文化程度的提高及职业状况的改善,妇女对宫颈癌的认知程度提高。通过电视讲座、集体讲座、专家现场咨询、发放宣传手册等方式可以提高妇女对宫颈癌的知晓率,新疆宫颈癌防治工作中进行有关宫颈癌健康教育干预是非常必要的。 Objective To evaluate the role of health education in enhancing awareness of Uyghur women a-bout cervical cancer and Human papillomavirus (HPV)in Kashgar Payzawat,Xinjiang.Providing the basis for educational intervention of cervical cancer prevention work in Xinjiang.Methods 950 Uyghur women from Kashgar Payzawat were Randomly selected, and received a questionnaire survey about cervical cancer and HPV related information.After the survey,health education was conducted by TV lec-tures,collective lectures,expert consultation and brochures.Women received a questionnaire survey again after 2 years to evaluate the result of education.Results (1)The rural Uyghur women′s awareness of cer-vical cancer was generally not strong before health education.The awareness of women with high school degree was higher than that of women with primary educational level.(2)After health education interven-tion the awareness of cervical cancer,high risk of cervical cancer and regular gynecological check increased from 23.16% to 54.53%,4.94 to 15.58% and 3.37% to 15.26% respectively,which were statistically sig-nificant (P &lt;0.01).Conclusion Women′s awareness of cervical cancer was enhanced by increasing educa-tional level and improving their occupational conditions.Women′s knowledge about cervical cancer and HPV can be promoted by TV lectures,collective lectures,expert consultation and brochures.Thereby, educational intervention is essential in cervical cancer prevention in Xinjiang.
出处 《新疆医科大学学报》 CAS 2014年第3期359-365,共7页 Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金(30860325)
关键词 宫颈癌 维吾尔族 农村 认知程度 健康教育干预 cervical cancer Uyghur rural area awareness educational intervention
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