探讨了分析政策偏好的途径选择 ,同时通过对我国政策偏好形成过程的初略考察 ,认为社会的利益表达与综合机制和权力运行机制是影响政策偏好的深层次结构性因素 ,而决策者个人价值取向只是影响政策偏好的次要因素。要使公共政策能更多地包容社会各利益团体的观点 ,体现更多人的偏好以寻求社会的支持与认同 ,关键还要着眼于深层次的结构性转变。
The thesis discusses how to choose the method to analyse the policy preference. And by simply analysing the forming process of the policy preference in our country, the author made a conclusion that the mechanism of social interest expressing, interesting synthesizing and power working is the deep structural element which affects policy preference. Personal value choice of policy maker only is the secondary factor. If we want to make the public policy contain more opinions of different social organizations and reflect more personal preference, then the most important thing is to change the deep political structure.