Objective: To establish a new rat model of missing the inferior alveolar nerve for mandibular distraction os- teogenesis with good feasibility and reproducibility. Methods: 24 rats were divided into two groups randomly, the experi- mental group of rats missing mandibular distraction osteogenesis of the inferior alveolar nerve, the control group was nor- mal rat mandibular distraction osteogenesis, were carried out under the unilateral mandibular distraction. Osteotomy was performed from the anterior ramus border to the inferior border of the mandible.A custom made distractor was then placed at the osteotomy site and secured with screws. After a 5 days latency, the rats were distracted at a rate of 0.2mm twice per day for 10 days followed by a consolidation period. The distracted mandibles were harvested after 14 and 28 days of consol- idation and the appearance of the samples and histological changes were examined. Results: The experimental procedure has been well tolerated by 24 animals with a very low infection rate. There were no device dislodgments. Postmortem ex- amination showed good callus formed in the distraction gap and expected distraction length was successfully achieved. The radiological and histological changes of the new bone were similar to those happened in large animals. The sensory nerve resection can degrade new bone formation, which suggests that the sensory nerve plays a role during the new bone formation in the distraction osteogenesis. Conclusion: We have successfully developed a new rat model of missing the inferior alveolar nerve for mandibular distractor. This model has shown perfect feasibility and reproducibility, and therefore should be effec- tive for further investigations on molecularmechanism of distraction osteogenesis.
Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics
distraction osteogenesis
animal model
inferior alveolar nerve