
预混段结构对氢燃料旋流预混燃烧诱导涡破碎回火极限影响的数值研究 被引量:17

Numerical Investigation on the Effects of Mixing Zone Structure on Combustion Induced Vortex Breakdown Flashback Limits of a Swirl-Premixed Hydrogen Flame
摘要 燃烧诱导涡破碎(combustion induced vortex breakdown,CIVB)回火是氢燃料旋流预混燃烧可靠运行所面临的重要问题之一。文中通过数值模拟分析了预混段长度L和预混段出口水力直径D对CIVB回火极限的影响。数值"试验"设计方案的选取借鉴试验设计(DOE)方法,而结果处理则采用方差分析方法。得到如下结论:L和D对回火临界当量比?cri和熄火因子Cquen都有显著影响,其中?cri对应LD2,Cquen对应LD;预混段结构通过改变混合物在预混段内的停留时间作用于CIVB回火极限,可以通过减小L或D改善CIVB回火的发生;此外,文中证实了回火极限与预混段几何结构间函数关系的存在,拓宽了已有时间尺度模型的应用范围。 Flame flashback driven by combustion induced vortex breakdown (CIVB) is one of the most severe reliability problems of swirl-premixed combustor fueled with hydrogen- riched gas. In this paper, the effects of the mixing zone structure on CIVB flashback limits were investigated with CFD simulation over wide range of mixing length (L) and characteristic hydraulic diameter of mixing tube exit (D). Moreover, numerical experiments were arranged by design of experiments (DOE) method and results were dealt with analysis of variance. Based on the computational results and the analyses, the following conclusions can be drawn:(1)L and D have highly prominent effects on the critical equivalence ratio φcri and quenching constant Cquen, φcri is associated with LD2 while Cquen is associated with LD. (2)Either L or D exerts their influences on flashback through changing the residence time in mixing tube, so CIVB flashback could be prevented by decreasing L or D. (3)The existence of relationship between flashback limits and mixing zone structure is confirmed and its specific expression is given which widens the application range of the already existed time scale model.
出处 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期1276-1284,共9页 Proceedings of the CSEE
关键词 燃烧诱导涡破碎回火 预混段结构 回火极限 流预混 氢燃料火焰 combustion induced vortex breakdown(CIVB) mixing zone structure flashback limits swirl-premixed hydrogen flame
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