建立和创新事业单位工资分配制度是实现人事管理科学化的必然要求 ,随着事业单位改革的不断深入 ,只有肯定事业单位现行工资分配制度成功的做法 ,分析不足的原因 ,提出改进的措施 ,进而推动事业单位综合改革 ,才能进一步体现工资的激励导向作用。新时期事业单位工资分配的对策是 :坚持按劳分配和按生产要素分配相结合的正确方向 ,在管理形式上 ,从过去高度集中的直接分配形式 ,转变为政府总量调控下事业单位的自主分配形式 ;在工资体制上 。
It is required by scientific personnel management to establish and innovate a salary distribution system at institutions. Only by perfecting the current distribution system can overall reforms at institutions be promoted or the encouraging role of salary realized. Some of the strategies in salary distribution at institutions in the new era include: continuing the practice of salary distribution according to achievement and production factors; transforming the centralized direct salary distribution into independent distribution at institutions while retaining the government's overall control; administering categorically the salary management and total salary control.
Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)