微波通信站一般采用阀控式铅酸蓄电池作为电源。而微波通信站使用环境温度过高 ,充电时控制的电压过高 ,使铅酸阀控式电池水分散失加快 ,这是其寿命提前终止主要原因。实践结果表明 :降低电池组的使用环境温度 ,并适当调低充电中的最高控制电压 ,可以减少水的电解 ,使电解液中水分的损失得到有效的控制 ,防止电池干涸 。
VRLA batteries have been widely used in microwave stations.It has been known that water loss is a main factor causing premature failure of VRLA batteries.Practical results have shown that the water loss can be effectively controlled and the battery life may be substantially prolonged by decreasing the ambient temperature and controlling the maximum charging voltage appropriately.
Chinese LABAT Man