天然低品位二氧化锰矿在添加少量无污染添加剂的条件下 ,在 710℃下焙烧 2h ,可使锰矿石中MnO2 转化为M2 O3,其转化率达 99 5%以上。这种焙烧矿为活性二氧化锰 (AMD)的优质原料。采用该焙烧矿并在后续的工艺中采用适当的岐化、氧化条件 ,可制成优质的AMD。
MnO 2 can be conversed into Mn 2O 3 with roasting time of 2h at 710℃ by adding pollutionfree addctive to low-grade natural manganese dioxide ore and the efficiency is over 99%. A high quality raw matercal for AMD is obtained and high performance AMD can be made at proper conditional of disproportion and oxiclation.
China Manganese Industry