采用紫花丹参为试验材料,通过低、高两种施氮水平、5种种植密度的复因子试验,分析了丹参不同生育期干物质积累、产量及根冠比,探讨了氮肥用量和种植密度对丹参生长的影响。研究结果表明:施氮对丹参干物质积累影响大于密度效应,以施氮180 kg/hm^2、密度14万株/hm^2为宜,地上、地下干物质积累量大、产量高;N2比 N1平均增产23%,5种密度平均产量以 M2产量最高,M5产量最低,M2比 M5高20%。在每公顷施180 kg氮肥的情况下,以密度12万株/hm^2最高,产量为6207 kg/hm^2;每公顷施135 kg氮肥的情况下,以14万株/hm^2氮肥偏生产率最高,为38 kg/kg。丹参生长后期根冠比为0.60~0.65,大于前期,不同生长期N2根冠比大于 N1。
A multiple-factor experiments designed with five plant densities of 10 × 104( M1),12 ×104( M2),14 × 104( M3),16 ×104( M4),and 18 ×104( M5) plants per hm2under two nitrogen( N) levels of 135 kg / hm2( N1) and 180 kg/hm2( N2) were carried out to study the growth of salvia miltiorrhiza bge. under different N levels and plant densities. The population size,dry matter accumulation and root-shoot ratio during different growth stages of salvia miltiorrhiza bge. were investigated. The results show that N rates have more influence on dry matter accumulation than plant densities. The maximums of dry matter accumulation in shoots and roots are all obtained in the combination of M3 under N2. The yield is increased by 23% under N2 compared with that under N1. The highest and lowest yield are obtained under M2 and M5,respectively,and the yield is increased by 20%. The highest yield of 6 207 kg / hm2is obtained under M2 and N2. Partial factor productivity of applied N( PFP) is ranged from 34 ~ 38 kg / kg. The root-shoot ratio which is ranged from 0. 60 ~ 0. 65 at late growth stages is higher than that at early growth stages. The root-shoot ratio under N2 is higher than that under N1 during different growth stages of salvia miltiorrhiza bge.
Journal of Henan University of Science And Technology:Natural Science
salvia miltiorrhiza Bge
nitrogen fertilizer
plant density
dry matter production