
甘肃省儿童医院2001—2011年川崎病住院患儿分布趋势性分析 被引量:1

Trend Analysis of Children Hospitalized with Kawasaki Disease Distribution in the Children's Hospital of Gansu Province from 2001 to 2011
摘要 目的基于甘肃省儿童医院连续11年川崎病分布及其变化趋势分析,揭示我国西北亚高原地区川崎病患儿人群变化特征。方法获取甘肃省儿童医院2001—2011年川崎病住院患儿完整病历,进行分布特征与年份间相关性分析。结果 2001—2011年川崎病住院患者男性是女性的1.96倍,年龄以小于2岁为主,占60.48%;60.00%的患者以急诊入院收住,72.86%患者出院以好转为主,未见死亡病例。结论基于甘肃省儿童医院的我国西部亚高原地区,川崎病患儿男性比例偏高,3岁以下就医比例偏低,患儿入院情况以急为主,治愈率较低,积极推进川崎病早诊早治刻不容缓。 OBJECTIVE Based on Gansu province children's hospital for 11 consecutive years kawasaki disease distribution and change trend analysis, reveals the plateau region of northwest China population changes in children with kawasaki disease characteristics. METHOD Access to children's hospital of Gansu Province from 2001 to 2011 children with kawasaki disease in hospital medical records, and complete distribution and correlation analysis between years. RESULTS Kawasaki disease in hospitalized patients from 2001 to 2011 men were 1.96 times more, give priority to with less than 2 years old age, the total accounted for 60.48%; 60.00% of patients admitted to hospital with a sudden stop, 72.86% of patients discharged from hospital with improved is given priority to, no deaths. CONCLUSION Based on Gansu province children's hospital in the plateau area of west China, male proportion of children with kawasaki disease is on the high side, low Proportion, under the age of 3 children admitted to hospital situation is given priority to with a sudden, the cure rate is low, so it is urgent to actively promote early detection treated early kawasaki disease.
出处 《中国初级卫生保健》 2014年第2期59-60,76,共3页 Chinese Primary Health Care
基金 兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(编号:lzujbky-2012-157) 兰州大学国家级大学生创新训练计划项目(201210730042)
关键词 川崎病 住院患儿 分布趋势 亚高原地区 kawasaki disease impatient children distribution trend the plateau region
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