从环保和优质能源出发 ,2 1世纪将是天然气世纪。中国天然气工业形势喜人 ,天然气资源潜力很大。近 10年来 ,我国天然气探明储量以年均 12 0 0× 10 8m3 的速度增长 ,天然气产量以年均 10 %的速度增长 ,并正加紧输气管道和下游配套设施的建设。发展天然气工业已逐渐成为国民经济发展的新经济增长点。西部地区六大含油气盆地天然气资源量占陆上天然气总资源量的四分之三 ,加快这些地区的天然气资源的开发利用是我国西部大开发的重要组成部分 ,也是实施西气东输工程的物质基础。文章介绍了天然气在燃料和化工原料方面的广泛用途和对西部地区发展经济的促进作用 ,结合西部地区的实际情况 ,提出了天然气资源 (干气、液化石油气和稳定轻烃 )直接利用、化工利用方向和技术路线 ,指出了实施的技术经济可行性 。
In consideration of enviromental protection and the optimization of energy resources,the 21st century will be the natural gas century.The situation of the natural gas industry in China is gratifying and natural gas resource potential is tremendous.In recent 10 years,in China the proved gas reserves increase by an average of 1 200×10 8m 3 a year and the gas production increases by an annual average of 10% as well as the gas pipeline and downstream corollary istallation are in course of construction intensively.The progress of the natural gas industry has become a new economic growth point of national economy gradually.The gas resources in 6 oil-and gas bearing basins in the western amount to 75 percent of the land total gas resources,therefore to quicken the development and utilization of the gas resources in these regions is an important component part of the western region devlopment of China and is also the material base of implementing “Western Gas Eastward Transportation ”engineering.On the basis of stating the wide uses of natural gas in fuel and industrial chemicals and its effect on economic growth in the western region,the trend and technological methods of utilizing the natural gas resources (dry gas,liquefied petroleum gas and stable natural gas liquids) are proposed,the feasibility of implementing the technological and economic conditions is pointed out and several ideas of locally using the natural gas resources in the western region are also proposed in combination with the practical situation of the region.
Natural Gas Industry
Western region,Natural gas,Development,Comprehensive utilization,Project,Analysis