为了弄清气候增暖背景下杭州季节变化特征,揭示温度变化对季节变化的影响,利用1961—2012年杭州站逐日气温资料,按照最新实施的气候季节划分标准对四季长度和起始日期进行划分,采用气候倾向率、相关分析和突变检测等方法,研究了近52年四季长度和起始日期及气温的变化特征及其相互关系。结果表明,杭州夏季最长,秋季最短;夏季明显变长,冬季明显缩短,其气候倾向率分别为5.33 d/10 a和-3.62 d/10 a;夏季变长是受夏季起始日期显著提前和秋季起始日期显著延后共同影响,两者作用相当;冬季缩短则是受春季起始日期显著提前和冬季起始日期延后共同影响,以前者影响更明显。除夏季长度及春、夏、秋3季起始日期在20世纪90年代初期有明显突变外,其他季节无明显的突变。近52年杭州气温持续升高,气候倾向率达0.35℃/10 a。年平均气温与四季长度和起始日期有一定相关性,主要表现在:气温升高,春季和夏季起始日期提前、长度变长,秋季和冬季起始日期延后、长度变短,反之亦然。
In order to clarify the seasonal variation characteristics of Hangzhou under the background of the climate warming and the influence from the temperature variation to the seasonal variation, using the daily temperature data of the Hangzhou station from 1961 to 2012, according to the newest delineation standard of climatic season, the length and beginning date of four seasons were divided. The variation features of the temperature and the length and beginning date of four seasons in recent 52 years and the correlations among them were investigated with the modern statistical diagnostic methods, such as climatic trend rate, correlation analysis, and abrupt detection. The results showed that: summer was the longest season in Hangzhou, while autumn was the shortest season. Meanwhile the summer was becoming longer significantly at a rate of 5.33 d/ 10 a, and the winter was getting shorter obviously at a rate of -3.62 d/10 a. The lengthening of the summer was influenced by the advancing of the beginning date of the summer and the delaying of the beginning date of the autumn. The shortening of the winter was influenced by the advancing of the beginning date of the spring and delaying of the beginning date of the winter, furthermore the influence of former was more than that of the latter. The summer length becoming longer, the spring and summer beginning date advancing, and the autunm beginning date delaying occurred at the same abrupt change time of the early of the 1990s. The air temperature of Hangzhou had increased clearly with the climatic rate 0.35℃/10 a in recent 52 years. The yearly mean air temperature had relationship with the length and beginning date of the four seasons. It mainly showed that when the air temperature increased, the beginning date of the spring and summer advanced and the two seasons lengthened, and the beginning date of the autumn and winter delayed and the two seasons shortened.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
season length
the beginning date
air temperature