
科技创新推动传统工业转型升级研究——以淄博市为例 被引量:10

A Study of the Scientific and Technological Innovation Promoting the Transformation and Upgrading of the Traditional Industry:Taking Zibo as an Example
摘要 科技创新推动传统工业转型升级问题是老工业城市经济发展中必须面对的一个现实问题。科技创新是传统工业转型升级的决定性因素,是拉长产业链、发展替代产业的重要保障,是大力发展循环经济的关键环节。淄博市在科技创新推动传统工业转型升级方面走在了全省前列,他们的主要经验是:通过品牌建设推动传统工业由制造向设计创造升级;产业梯次转移推动传统工业向总部经济转型;培育发展战略性新兴产业;以科技园区循环工业促进经济低碳发展。淄博市在科技创新推动传统工业转型升级方面积累了宝贵经验,但进一步提升发展的层次和水平仍然需要作出不懈努力。我们的对策思路是:强化科技对传统工业转型的支撑和引领作用;构筑可持续发展的人才优势;建立多元投入体系;完善相关配套政策,形成转型发展的合力。 The subject of scientific and technological innovation promoting the transformation and upgrading of the traditional industry is a realistic problem that must be faced in the old industrial city’s economic development. Scientific and technological innovation is the decisive factor of the transformation and upgrading of the traditional industry. It is an important guarantee for extending the industrial chain and developing alternative industries; and it is also the key link of the development of circular economy. In terms of scientific and technological innovation promoting the traditional industrial transformation and upgrading, Zibo walks in the forefront of Shandong province. Our main experiences are the followings:the first is to promote the upgrading of traditional industry from manufacturing to designing and creating through brand building. The second is to promote the transformation from traditional industry to the headquarters economy in the help of industrial echelon transfer. The third is to nurture and develop strategic emerging industries. The fourth is to promote the development of low carbon economy through Hi-tech Park. Zibo has accumulated lots of valuable experiences in the subject of scientific and technological innovation promoting the transformation and upgrading of the traditional industry, but more efforts should be done to further enhance the level of development. In this regard, our strategy is:firstly, strengthen the supporting and leading role that science and technology plays in the transformation of traditional industry;secondly, maintain a human resource advantage that can be sustainable developed;thirdly, establish a multi-input system;fourthly, improve related policies, and form a joint force of transformation and development.
作者 岳顺之
出处 《科学与管理》 2013年第6期96-101,共6页 Science and Management
基金 山东省软科学计划资助项目(2011RKGB2035)
关键词 科技创新 传统工业 转型升级 Scientific and Technological Innovation Traditional Industry Transformation and Upgrading
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