

An Improved Algorithm for Dynamic Geometry Generation
摘要 如何根据用户输入的已知条件生成几何图形是几何定理机器可读证明过程中首先要解决的问题。针对几何定理机器证明过程中图形的生成及动态变换问题,结合几何命题的构造性特点,提出了一种改进的几何约束求解算法,该方法通过代数方程组来表示和处理几何图形的约束关系,并将代数方程组化简为三角列式,通过对三角列式的求解来完成图形的生成和变换。通过对比证明该算法克服了传统方法的一些缺陷,并能较好地实现几何图形的动态特性。 How to generate geometric graph according to the known condition of user input is the first problem to solve in the process of geometric theorem machine readable proof. Aiming at the generation and dynamic transformation of the graph, combining with the structural characteristics of geometry proposition, this paper presents an improved geometric con- straint solving algorithm, this method represents geometric constraints by algebraic equations, which are simplified to trian- gular column type, then complete the generation and transformation graph through solving the triangular column. And the comparison show that the algorithm overcomes some defects of traditional methods, and can better realize the dynamic geom- et~.
作者 李晓霞
出处 《智能计算机与应用》 2013年第6期88-90,94,共4页 Intelligent Computer and Applications
关键词 几何约束关系 约束求解 谓词语句 构造语句 三角列 Geometric Constraint Constraint Solving Pediatric Statement Structural Statement Triangular Column
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