
中国英语学习者英语否定句磨蚀的回归和阈值假说实证研究 被引量:14

An Empirical Study on the Regression and Threshold Hypotheses in the Attrition of English Negative Sentences Among English Learners in China
摘要 阈值假说和回归假说是语言磨蚀领域两个传统的假说。这两个假说由来已久,语言磨蚀的很多研究都是建立在它们的基础之上的,却很少有学者对它们进行实证研究。本研究采用定量与定性相结合,侧重定量的研究方法,探讨习得和磨蚀情况,用实证研究验证回归假说和阈值假说。参与者共分两组,第一组为在校初中一年级至三年级学生,旨在探讨英语否定句习得次序;第二组为已经大学毕业并正式工作者,旨在探讨英语否定句磨蚀次序。测量工具为问卷调查和自由写作。结果支持了阈值假说,而对回归假说则持谨慎态度。 The Threshold Hypothesis and the Regression Hypothesis are both traditional hypotheses in the field of language at- trition, based on which many studies related to language attrition have been developed. However, very few scholars have con- ducted empirical studies on either hypotheses. By adopting quantitative research methodology and meanwhile combining quanti- tative with qualitative research methodologies, this study explores the acquisition and attrition of English negative sentences. There are two groups of participants in this study. Group 1, aiming to identify the acquisition sequence of English negative sen- tences, is made up of middle school students ranging from Grade 1 to Grade 3. Group 2, aiming to identify the attrition se- quence of English negative sentences, is composed of workers who have graduated from universities. Both questionnaires and free writing are used as research instruments. Both hypotheses are tested via empirical studies, whose results support the Threshold Hypothesis, but remain suspicious of the Regression Hypothesis.
作者 于中根
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期59-63,共5页 Foreign Language Education
基金 2011年度教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"中国英语学习者英语否定句磨蚀的回归和阈值假说实证研究"(项目编号:11YJC740138) 2011年度南京邮电大学通达学院教学改革项目(重点)"外语磨蚀回归和阈值假说与民办高校英语教学改革"(项目编号:TD02011JG02) 2012年度第二批江苏省博士后科研资助计划"中国学生英语语言磨蚀的回归和阈值假说研究"(项目编号:1202112C) 江苏省教育厅2013年度高校哲学社会科学基金指导项目"外语磨蚀回归和阈值假说实证研究"(项目编号:2013SJD740005)的阶段性成果
关键词 阈值假说 回归假说 英语否定句 语言习得 语言磨蚀 Threshold Hypothesis Regression Hypothesis English negative sentences language acquisition language attrition
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