以淡水单孔蚓(Monopylephorous limosus)、伸展摇蚊(Chironomus tentans)为受试生物,以生长抑制率、死亡率、自断率为测试终点,研究了沉积物中5种重金属(Cu、Cd、Ni、Pb、Zn)对底栖生物的毒性效应,探讨了沉积物中酸挥发性硫化物(Acid Volatile Sulfide,AVS)和同时提取金属(Simultaneously Extracted Metals,SEM)与生物毒性之间的关系.结果表明:5种金属加标沉积物对淡水单孔蚓和伸展摇蚊的毒性顺序分别是Cd(LC50281 mg·kg-1)>Ni(LC50646 mg·kg-1)>Cu(LC50830 mg·kg-1)>Pb(LC501040 mg·kg-1)>Zn(LC501320 mg·kg-1);Cd(LC5026.3 mg·kg-1)>Pb(LC50248 mg·kg-1)≈Cu(LC50256 mg·kg-1)>Ni(LC50343 mg·kg-1)>Zn(LC501400 mg·kg-1).当SEM/AVS>1时,除Cd外其他4种金属对淡水单孔蚓、伸展摇蚊幼虫均表现出较为明显的毒性效应,而且Pb、Ni、Zn对两种生物的毒性效应与SEM/AVS值之间表现出良好的一致性,说明SEM/AVS可以较好的反映沉积物中重金属的生物有效性.
The toxicities of five heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) in fresh water sediment were evaluated using Monopylephorous limosus and Chironomus tentans. The toxicity endpoints included mortality, autotomy rate and growth inhibition rate. The objectives of this research were to investigate the toxic effects of the five heavy metals on benthic organisms, and also to study the effects of acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM). The results indicated that the toxicity of the five metals to Monopylephorous limosus and Chironomus tentans followed the order of Cd (LC50 281 mg·kg^-1) 〉 Ni (LC50 646 mg·kg^-1) 〉 Cu (LC50 830 mg·kg^-1) 〉 Pb (LC50 1040 mg·kg^-1) 〉 Zn (LC50 1320 mg·kg^-1) and Cd(LC50 26.3 mg·kg^-1) 〉 Pb (LC50 248 mg·kg^-1)≈Cu (LC50 256 mg·kg^-1) 〉 Ni (LC50 343 mg·kg^-1) 〉 Zn (LC50 1400 mg·kg^-1), respectively. When SEM/AVS was larger than 1, all metals except Cd displayed obvious toxicities to Monopylephorous limosus and Chironomus tentan larvae. A good consistency between the toxicity effects of Pb, Ni and Zn on the two benthic organisms and SEM/AVS values was observed. Thus, SEM/AVS is indicative of the biological toxicity of heavy metals in sediments.
Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae