
比较政治视野中的族群冲突管理——国外主要族群政策比较分析 被引量:2

Ethnic Conflicts Management in a Comparative Politics——A Comparative Analysis of Global Ethnic Policies
摘要 族群冲突涉及国家与族群、族群与族群之间的关系。当代世界有两个因素可以引发一国内部族群之间的紧张:一是经济开发进程中族群之间竞争国家资源;二是国家权力被某一个主体族群所控制,从而可能引发其他族群的政治反应。世界各国治理族群冲突的政策各异,按照政策目标的不同,大致可以分为三种类型:一为同化或吸纳;二为排斥;三为多元主义。从民族国家的观点来看,同化看似具有吸引力,但强制同化往往引发族群不满和冲突;种族屠杀、文化灭绝、种族隔离是排斥政策的常见形式,已遭世界上秉持人权与正义的国家的普遍抛弃;多元主义族群政策路径选择多样,是当前多数国家都采用的政策。在当代多元主义越来越走强的条件下,多族群国家的族际政治整合只能是多维的、复杂的政治整合。 Ethnic conflicts often involve how to deal with relationships between nations and eth- nic groups or relationships between one ethnic group and the others.Two factors would cause tensions between different ethnic groups within a country-competition over national resources in the process of economic development and state power controlled by a dominant population which lead to political reaction of other ethnic group.Ethnic policies may vary in specific countries,and three types of policies can be obtained around the world-assimilation or absorption, exclusion,and pluralism.Assimilation seems more attractive for a nation-state,while forced assimilation often leads to ethnic discontent and conflict.Genocide,cultural genocide,apartheid is a common form of exclusion policy,which has been abandoned by those countries who up- hold humanity and justice.As a chosen ethnic policy,Pluralism have been adopted by most countries around the world,and at such circumstance inter-ethnic political integration in multi-ethnic country can only be a multi-dimensional,complex political integration.
作者 王剑峰
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第12期63-73,306-307,共11页 Academics
关键词 族群冲突 冲突管理 族群政策 族群政治 ethnic conflict,conflict management,ethnic policy,ethnic politics
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