
老年人快速认知筛查量表的编制和信效度研究 被引量:26

Quick cognitive screening scale for the elder:development, reliability and validity
摘要 目的编制一个用于快速筛查老年人认知功能的量表,检验量表的信度和效度。方法借鉴简易智力状态检查(MMSE)和蒙特利尔认知评估(MoCA)的评定模式编制一个以记忆障碍为核心,同时包含语言、执行等12个领域的老年人快速认知筛查量表(QCSS-E),共47个条目。在500名社区样本、150名重测样本和75名效度样本中,检验该量表的重测信度、同质信度、实证效度和结构效度。结果量表总分的重测相关和仪系数分别为0.972和0.814;分测验的重测相关在0.656~0.911之间,Or.系数为O.679—0.746。各领域分之间呈低中度相关(0.133—0.612),与总分之间的相关为0.303一O.664。QCSS-E得分随增龄降低、随文化程度提高而提高,随脑损害程度加重而降低。新编量表与MMSE和CCAS智商的相关分别为0.886、0.899;因素分析获得2个因子,分别命名为易损因子和耐损因子,可解释49.4%的方差。结论新编老年人快速认知筛查量表的信度和效度较理想,符合心理测量学的要求。 Objective To develop a Quick Cognitive Screening Scale for Elder(QCSS-E) and examine its reliability and validity.Methods In the light of rating model of MMSE and MoCA,a screening scale was devel- oped to assess cognitive function,which contained 47 items across twelve domains. Five hundred community sub- jects were interviewed with the QCSS-E ,then 150 subjects were retested after two weeks, and 75 subjects were as- sessed with MMSE and CCAS. The test-retest reliability, internal consistency reliability, empirical validity and con- struct validity of QCSS-E were calculated. Results The test-retest reliability and Cronbach's c coefficient were 0.972 ancl 0.814 for QCSS-E total score,0.656-0.911 and 0.679-0.746 for domain scores. There were low to moder- ate correlation of 0.133-0.612 among domain scores, correlation domain scores with total score ranged from 0.303- 0.664. QCSS-E scores decreased with increasing age, increased with the level of education increasing, and decreased with the aggravation of brain damage. The QCSS-E was significantly correlated with MMSE( r= 0.886) and CCAS ( r= 0.899). Factor analysis got two factors accounting for 49.4% of variance, which were named vulnerability factor and resistance to damage factor. Conclusion The stability, internal consistency, and validity of the QCSS-E are good and meet with psychometric standard.
出处 《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期1129-1132,共4页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science
关键词 轻度认知障碍 认知筛查量表 信度 效度 Mild cognitive imoairment Cognitive screenin scale Reliability Validity
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