目的研究中职学校医学检验专业课程结构优化指标体系的评价,以提高教学水平、促进学生就业。方法采用文献分析、问卷调查、专家咨询等方法优化课程设置体系,用德尔菲法(Delphi)法对优化后课程设置指标体系进行科学评价。结果通过Delphi法对课程设置优化的指标体系进行评价,12名专家对课题的熟悉程度中,很熟悉10名(83.33%)、熟悉2名(16.67%);专家一致性协调系数>0.5,优化指标体系比较科学合理;二级指标内容根据算术均数(x)、满分频率(K j)、变异系数(CV)届值计算公式进行筛选,结果为可以接受,对有问题的指标按要求给予修改、调整或删除,第二轮函询后结果基本符合要求。结论优化课程指标体系结构科学合理,内容选择全面,有针对性。
Objiective To study the secondary vocational school medical laboratory specialty curriculum structure opti- mization index system,in order to improve the level of teaching, promoting student employment. Methods To optimize the curriculum system by the method of literature analyzed,questionnaire investigation,expert consultation,with Delphi method optimized curriculum scientific evaluation index system. Results Through the Delphi method to evaluate the index system of optimization curriculum,the experts on topic familiarity in 12 cases,very familiar with 10 cases (83.33%),familiar with 2 cases (16.67%),the experts consistency coordination coefficient was〉0.5,the optimization index system more scientific and reasonable,the secondary index content according to the arithmetic mean (x),out of frequency (/~),coefficient of variation (CV) of the filtered value calculation formula,the result was acceptable,for defective index according to the requirements for modification,adjustment or deleted,after the second round of enquiry results were ba- sically in conformity with the requirements. Conclusion The optimized curriculum target architecture science is rea- sonable,the content chooses comprehensively and has pointed.
China Modern Medicine
Secondary vocational school
Medical laboratory profession
Optimize the course structure
Delphi methodto evaluate