提出了一种基于HFSS仿真软件的S频段波导滤波器设计方法,其组合方式是将2个群岛式波导低通滤波器相迭加.仿真结果证明:该波导滤波器通带电压驻波比小、插入损耗低且同时具有宽的、良好的匹配通带和宽的、高衰减的阻带特性,对S频段发射机寄生输出的2,3次谐波抑制度大于35 dB,尤其对S频段4次谐波有不小于80 dB的抑制度.
It is composed of two wave-guide waffle-iron harmonic filters. HFSS proves that designed filter with the voltage standing wave ratio and the insertion loss band is low,the design makes the power-handling capacity of filter is high and the filter reliability is well,the filter can be applied to various reconnaissance equipments with harmonic. It isn't only controlling secondary and thrice harmonic but also controlling fourth harmonic,especially it can cut down 80 dB fourth harmonic.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry:Natural Science