To Study ras P21 expression in tran sitional mucosa adjacent to colorectal cancer. Methods:The oncogne ras P21 expression in 35 cases of colorectal cancer and their transitional mucoas were analysed quantitativelywith flow cytometry and cyto- immunofluorescence staining technique. Results: The posititve rate of ras P21 expessionwere 65. 7% and 60. 0% in colorectal carcinomas and fransitional mucosa respectively. Ras P21 expression was higher incolorectal adenocarcinomas than that of the transitional mucosa. The transitional mucosa that ras P21 expression were posi-tive were distributed in carcinomas of ras P21 positive expression. Conclusion: Transitional mucosa adjacent to cancer werepremalignant lesions, they should be thoroughly reasetsd during the operation in order to prevent local recurrence of can-cer.
Journal of Luzhou Medical College