
2007-2011年云南省法定肠道传染病流行态势及特征分析 被引量:7

Analysis of epidemictrend and characteristics of notifiable enteric in fectious,disease in Yunnan province from 2007 to 2011
摘要 目的分析云南省2007—2011年法定肠道传染病流行态势及特征,初步探索云南省法定肠道传染病防制工作中尚需进一步调查研究的问题,同时为制定全省肠道传染病防制策略提供依据。方法从中国疾病预防控制信息系统获取资料,按照描述性流行病学的求,利用Excel软件进行资料整理和分析。结果云南省2007—2011年法定肠道传染病报告病例数从28217例上升至62932例,累计报告238210例,年平均47642例,5年平均发病率为104.6/10万。其在39种法定传染病中的构成比呈现逐年上升趋势,其中以丙类肠道传染病和病毒性肠道传染病报告病例上升为主。手足口病、痢疾和其他感染性腹泻的季节性最为明显,手足口病和痢疾的发病高峰在5月前后,其他感染性腹泻则呈现双峰特征,分别是3~5月和11~12月。从地理分布看,病例主集中在滇中及滇东南地区,边境地区的发病率也相对较高。总体上肠道传染病病例以5岁以下儿童为主,但戊肝和伤寒副伤寒病例中儿童比例较小。结论2007—2011年云南省法定肠道传染病报告病例数呈逐年上升趋势,其中手足口病疫情明显上升,其他感染性腹泻也呈上升趋势,痢疾、伤寒副伤寒等其他法定肠道传染病相对平稳,但局部地区高度流行。 Objective Analyze the epidemic trend and characteristics of notifiable enteric infectiousdisease in Yunnan province from 2007 to 2011. Preliminary discussion on the problems which need to befurther investiga- ted and addressed towards notifiable enteric infectious disease control and prevention, provide proof of evidence for provincial infectious disease control and prevention strategy. Method DataWSS obtained from Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Information System, as per therequirement of descriptive epidemiology, uti- lized the software of Excel and Maplnfo for data cleaning andanalysis. Results The number of notifiable enteric infectious disease cases increased from 28 217 to 69 232 during 2007 to 2011 in Yunnan province. 238 210 ca- ses were reported in total within 5 years. 47 642 cases reported annually on average. The average incidence rate for 5 years was 104. 6/10 5. The proportion rate among notifiable disease has a tendency of increase. Most repor- ted cases wereclass C of enteric disease and viral enteric infectious disease. The seasonality of Hand -foot mouthdisease, malaria and other infectious diarrhea is mostly signifcant. The morbidity peak appears aroundMay for Hand -foot -mouth disease, and malaria. Other infectious diarrhea shows the double peak, whi- chare in Mar - May and Nov - Dec respectively. In the perspective of geographic distribution, cases areconcentrated in the area of middle and southeast of Yunnan; the incidence rate of border region iscomparatively higher. Overall most of the enteric infectious disease cases are frOm children under 5 - year - old, with fewer cases of Hepatitis E and typhoid and paratyphoid among chil- dren. There were 85outbreaks caused by notifiable enteric infectious diseases during the five years. 2 380 people wereinfected and 3 died. Conclusion Reported case number of Notifiable enteric infectious disease inYunan province shows the increase over years frOm 2007 to 2011, especially for epidemic situation of theHand - foot- mouth disease incr
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2013年第11期946-950,共5页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
关键词 肠道传染病 流行态势 特征 分析 Yunnan : enteric infectious disease prevalence characteristic
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