以株两优819和陆两优996为材料,研究了施氮量对超级早稻产量形成、稻米品质与氮利用效率的影响。结果表明:(1)施氮使超级早稻显著增产,株两优819增产的原因是提高了每穗粒数,而陆两优996增产的原因是提高了每穗粒数和千粒重;(2)两组合N 225 kg/hm2处理较N 150 kg/hm2处理显著减产;(3)两组合稻米蛋白质含量随施氮量增加而升高,直链淀粉含量随施氮量增加而降低;(4)超级早稻产量与叶面积、干物质积累量呈正相关,与粒叶比呈负相关;(5)随施氮量增加,两组合的氮素累积量显著提高,氮肥利用率、氮肥效率、氮素吸收效率、氮生理效率、氮素利用效率显著降低。本试验条件下,施N150 kg/hm2能使超级早稻获得较高产量,同时获得较高氮肥利用率、氮素吸收与利用效率。
Zhuliangyou 819 and Luliangyou 996 were used as materials to study the effects of N application rate on yield formation, rice quality and N utilization efficiency of supper early rice. The results indicated that : ( 1 ) Yield of super ear- ly rice was increased significantly by N application, which was induced by increase of grain number per panicle for Zhu- liangyou 819 and increase of grain number per panicle and 1000 - grain weight for Luliangyou 996. (2) Yield in treatment of N225 kg/hm2 was significantly lower than that in treatment of N150 kg/hm2, and two combinations showed the same trend. (3) With the increment of N application rate, the content of protein in rice was increased, while amylase content was decreased, and the same trend was observed for two varieties. (4) Positive correlation existed between yield and leaf area and dry matter accumulation, and negative correlation existed between yield and ratio of grain to leaf area. (5) With the increment of N application rate, N accumulation of two combinations was significantly increased, while N use efficien- cy, N fertilizer efficiency, N uptake efficiency, N physiological efficiency and N utilization efficiency were significantly de- creased. In this study, N150 kg/hm2 for super early rice could gain higher yield, at the same time, higher N use efficien- cy, N uptake efficiency and N utilization efficiency could be gained.
Crop Research
Early rice
N application
Yield formation
Rice quality
Nitrogen utilization efficiency