通过“合系 39”在四川安宁河流域无控制的地理分期播种大田试验及稻米生化品质室内分析 ,定量研究了从穗前 4 0d到成熟期各阶段气象条件对稻米生化品质的影响及关键时期 ,建立了稻米生化品质各组分与关键期平均温度、温度日较差和日照时数的综合关系模型 .结果表明 ,气候生态条件对稻米生化品质各组分有重要影响 ,且不同组分的影响形式和关键时期不同 .其组分与气候生态因子最显著相关的时段或在齐穗前 ,或在齐穗后 ,或从齐穗前持续到齐穗后 .该模型于 2 0 0 2~ 2 0 0 3年应用在安宁河流域优质稻生产决策中 ,累计推广优质稻 7 3× 10 4hm2 ,较 2 0 0 1年增加 3 0× 10 4hm2 ,农民增收 2亿元 。
Base on the experimental data of paddy rice planted geographically periodically without control in the Anning River Valley of Sichuan Province,this paper quantitatively analyzed the effects of meteorological conditions from 40 days before heading to ripeness on the biochemical qualities of paddy rice,and developed a model about the integrated relationships between biochemical qualities of paddy rice and mean temperature,daily range of temperature and daylight hours,which would be of significance both for the instruction of paddy distribution in the Anning River Valley and for improving rice qualities via adjusting planting time.The results showed that climate conditions had a great effect on the biochemical qualities of paddy rice,which was different in ways and in critical periods.The period when the correlation between some ingredients of rice and climate conditions was most significant was before or after,or from before to after full heading,which widened the existing knowledge about the period which was important for paddy rice qualities forming.Applying this finding in the Anning River Valley during 2002~2003,the accumulated high-grade paddy farming area stood at 73 000 hm 2,30 000 hm 2 more than that in 2001,and brought 0.2 billion yuan increament to the peasants,promoting the development of high-grade paddy greatly.
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
国家自然科学基金项目 ( 4 0 3 75 0 3 1)
四川省气象局重点资助项目( 2 0 0 0 1)
Paddy rice, Biochemical qualities, Climate conditions, Anning River Valley.