将 1 2头 35日龄左右的仔猪随机分成 3组 (即皮下免疫组、腹腔免疫组和对照组 )。在 42日龄时 ,试验组每头猪一次性注射 40 ml山羊抗猪脂肪细胞膜蛋白抗血清 ,对照组注射等量的阴性血清。结果显示 :经脂肪细胞膜蛋白抗体被动免疫后 ,皮下免疫组和腹腔免疫组与对照组相比体重分别增加 6 .2 1 %和 7.99% ,饲料报酬分别提高 6 .1 5 %和 9.85 % ,日增重分别提高 5 .99%和 7.78% ,胴体脂肪率分别下降 1 1 .96 %和 8.0 3% ,背膘厚分别下降1 4 .6 8% (P<0 .0 5 )和 1 5 .0 2 % (P<0 .0 5 ) ,胴体瘦肉率分别升高 2 .38%和 3.1 1 % ,板油重分别下降 34 .6 9% (P<0 .0 5 )和 2 5 .5 1 % ,花油重分别下降 1 6 .1 3% (P<0 .0 5 )和 2 0 .6 4% (P<0 .0 5 ) ;在免疫后试验组血清 IGF- 1浓度与对照组相比差异不大 ;血清胰岛素浓度在 1 3~ 5 9d中低于对照组 ,但差异不显著 ;血清 T3浓度在免疫后 1 3d内低于对照组 ,但在后期试验组高于对照组 ;血清 T4浓度在免疫前后变化不大 ,但在 48d和 5 9d时皮下免疫组和腹腔免疫组都明显高于对照组 (P<0 .0 5 ) ;血清 FFA浓度在处理后 7d内 ,试验组明显高于对照组 ,试验后期与对照组相比差异不明显 ;血清尿素氮浓度在处理后 7d皮下免疫组比对照组下降 2 4.5 % (P<0 .0 1 ) ,腹腔免?
Twelve piglets aged approximately 35 days were allocated randomly to three groups(Ⅰ:subcutaneous immunization;Ⅱ:abdominal cavity immunization;Ⅲ:control).On 42th day piglets of group Ⅰ were administrated subcutaneous injection with 40 ml antisera,piglets of group Ⅱ were administrated abdominal cavity injection with 40 ml antisera,and piglets of group Ⅲ were injected with 40 ml nonimmune serum.In contrast to control (group Ⅲ),after passive immunization in group Ⅰ and in group Ⅱ,body weight was increased by 6 21% and 7 99%,daily weight gain was increased by 5 99% and 7 78%,feed conversion was increased by 6 15% and 9 85%,lean meat rate was increased by 2 38% and 3 11%,fat rate was increased by 11 96% and 8 03%,backfat thickness was reduced by 14 68%( P <0 05) and 15 02%( P <0 05),leaf fat weight was reduced by 34 69% ( P <0 05) and 25 51%,caul fat weight was reduced by 16 13%( P <0 05) and 20 64%( P <0 05),respectively.Serum insulin concentrations in 13~59 days were reduced in both treatment groups,serumIGF 1level didnt alter.Serum T 3 levels werereducedwithin 13 days but were increasedinthe laterperiod.In contrast to control after immunization,in both experimental groups, serum T 4 concentrations were not increased until 49th day;FFA concentrations were increased within 7 days and kept constant in the later period,serum urea N concentration was reduced significantly in 0~13 days for group Ⅰ,and that for group Ⅱ was lower during experiment.Concentration of serum triglycerides and serum cholesterol were not changed.These results demonstrated the potential for carcass characteristics improvement and growth promotion by passively immunizing antiserum to adipocyte membrance protein.
Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences
江苏省自然科学基金资助项目 !( BK95 0 5 93 0 2 )
membrane protein
antiserum immunization
physiological effect