报道肝圆韧带修复肝外胆管整段缺损的临床应用。修复方法 :修整断端胆管 ,离断肝圆韧带远端 ,剖开脐静脉索 ,将脐静脉螺旋绕缝成稍长于缺损之管道 ,带蒂转移至缺损处 ,与胆管断端桥接吻合。放置支撑管 12个月。临床应用本法治疗肝外胆管整段缺损 5例 ,缺损段长度 2~ 4cm。术后 4例拔支撑管后经 2~ 6年随访 ,效果满意。 1例术后并发胆管狭窄 ,重行胆肠吻合。认为肝圆韧带切取及带蒂转移方便 ,脐静脉壁与胆管壁结构相似 。
The clinical application experience of repairing a large segment defect of extrahepatic bile duct with round ligament of liver is reported. Methods and steps as: ①to trim the broken bile duct, ②to free the distal end of the round ligament of liver, ③to section the fossa venae umbilicalis, ④to suture the umbilical veins spirally into a pedunculated canal a little bit longer than the broken duct and bridge the anastomosis with the duct. The support canal remained for 12 months. Five patients with the whole segement defect (2~4cm) of extrahepatic bile duct received this treatment. After the support canal was taken out, 4 cases got satisfactory results after 2~6 years follow-up. One underwent biliary and intestinal anastomosis again because of the complication of a bile duct stricture. The round ligament of liver is easily freed and transferable. Due to structural similarities between umbilical vein and bile duct walls, this proves to be a good substitute for repairing bile duct defects.
Journal of Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities
bile ducts, extrahepatic
biliary surgery
tissue transplantation
wounds and injuries
round ligament of liver
biliary tract defect