目的:探讨节律基因hClock、hBmal1对人胃癌细胞株SGC-7901侵袭迁移的影响。方法:体外持续黑暗条件下培养SGC-7901细胞,用Real-time PCR法检测两种主要的节律基因hClock、hBmal1在SGC-7901细胞中不同时间点的表达。Transwell小室法分别检测在节律基因hClock、hBmal1表达的高峰及低谷时SGC-7901细胞侵袭迁移能力的变化。结果:定量PCR结果显示节律基因hClock、hBmal1在胃癌细胞株SGC-7901中不同时间点的表达不同,存在时相性波动。表达高峰在20∶00,而表达低谷在08∶00。Transwell小室法显示在节律基因hClock、hBmal1表达的高峰组细胞侵袭迁移能力较表达低谷组明显增多。结论:节律基因hClock、hBmal1过表达可以增强肿瘤细胞SGC-7901的侵袭迁移能力。
Objective:To study the effects of circadian genes hClock and hBmall on migration and invasion of SGC - 7901 cells. Methods : SGC - 7901 cells were cultivationed under continuous darkness in vitro, the expression level of the two main circadian genes hClock and hBmall at the different time were determined by real time polymer- ase chain reaction. The expression of SGC - 7901 cells migration and invasion was detected by transwell chambers. Results:The expression of circadian genes hCloek and hBmall were different on differem time by real time polymer- ase chain reaction. The expression of circadian genes hClock and hBmall showed phase oseillation. The peak expres- sion of hClock and hBmall mRNA was at 20:00 and the nadir at 08: 00;As compared with the nadir expression of hClock and hBmall ,the migration and invasion of SGC -7901 cells was lower than the peak expression of hClock and hBmall. Conclusion : The over expressed of circadian genes hClock and hBmall may promote the migration and inva- tion of SGC -7901 cells.
Journal of Modern Oncology