目的探讨视网膜色素变性(RP)患者的视觉电生理改变。方法对 110例 220 只眼视网膜色素变性患者进行P—VEP、F—ERG检查。结果RP患者P100波潜时与对照组相比明显延长,振幅则明显降低。b波的振幅与病程长短、视力的降低程度、年龄大小有关,统计学处理有非常显著性差异。结论随着病程延长、年龄的增加、视力的降低,b波呈熄灭型的患者增加,表明视网膜损害程度加重。
Objective To investigate the changes of visual eletrophysiology in retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Methods P- VEP.F- ERG were recorded for 110 patients (220 eyes) of RP. Results To compare latency and amplitude of RP with those of control group,latency of RP increased apparently and amplitude of RP decreased apparently. The changes of b-wave amplitude were associated with course of disease.decreased visual acuity and age of patients,The differences were statistically significant. Conclusion Along with the progression of course of disease .age of patients.decreased visual acuity. the patients whose b -wave amplitude was disappeared increased these showed that retina suffers4 damage increasingly.
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology