目的与方法: 观察拓扑替康 (topotecan)对经治晚期卵巢癌患者的疗效和毒性。 67例晚期上皮性卵巢癌患者,年龄 33~ 71岁, 66例曾经手术切除,全部接受过化疗,其中 68.6%患者至少接受过 2种以上方案化疗, 94.0%为含铂类药物治疗失败,采用单药 topotecan 1.25 mg/m2静脉滴注 ,连续 5天,每 21天重复疗程, 85.1%患者用药 2疗程以上。结果: 61例可评价疗效的患者中, CR 6例, PR 7例,总有效率 21.3%。按 ITT分析 67例有效率为 20.9%。中位缓解时间 7.0个月。主要不良反应为血液学毒性, 64.2%患者发生Ⅲ~Ⅳ度白细胞减少, 43.3%患者发生Ⅲ~Ⅳ度血小板减少,中位持续时间 9~ 10天。非血液毒性轻微。结论: Topotecan系晚期卵巢癌经 DDP等药物治疗失败后的有效治疗药物,应在对肿瘤化疗有经验的专科医师监测下使用。
Objective and method: The current study was designed to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of Topotecan hydrochloride in patients with recurrent advanced ovarian cancer. A total of 67 cases of advanced ovarian cancer patients who received surgical resection and failed previous DDP based chemotherapy were treated with Topotecan 1.25 mg/m2 q.d. i.v. inf.for 5 consecutive days every 3 weeks, 85.1% of those received 2 or more cycles. Results: Among 61 evaluable cases, 6 CR and 7 PR were achieved with OA response rate of 21.3% . Among 67 ITT population the response rate was 20.9% . Median remission period 7.0 months. Main adverse effects were hematologic toxicities, 64.2% and 43.3% of cases respectively developed GradeⅢ-Ⅳ leucopenia or thrombocytopemia which lasted for 9- 10 days. Non hematologic toxicities were mild. Conclusion: Topotecan is effective in advanced ovarian cancer patients who failed DDP based regimes, and careful clinical evaluation before treatment is indicated.
Chinese Journal of Cancer