目的 :确定银杏聚戊烯醇各同系物的链长。方法 :从银杏叶的石油醚提取物中分离获得了纯度较高的聚戊烯醇同系物的混合物。进而利用反相高效薄层色谱 ,以丙酮为展开剂 ,碘蒸气显色后呈显五个斑点。结果 :经与标准品对照 ,可确定为聚戊烯醇 16~聚戊烯醇 2 0五个单体。结论 :用HPTLC能快速、简便地确定各同系物链长 ,较HPLC方法费用低廉。
Objective: To determine the chain length of polyprenol homologues from Ginkgo biloba leaves. Method: Poly prenol homologues of high purity are separated from the petroleum ether extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves. This polyprenol homologues are analysed with RP HPTLC, using acetone as developing solvent and staining them with iodine vapours. Result: Compared with the polyprenols standard, they can be the polyprenol 15 to polyprenol 21. Conclusion: The chain length of polyprenol homologues can be determined easily with HPTLC. Comparing with HPLC, method of HPTLC costs lower.
Journal of Zhenjiang Medical College
国家自然基金!资助项目 (编号SG990 38)