以蜂蜜和海带为主要原料开发研制了一款口服液新产品。海带经过浸泡、清洗、切丝、熟化、打浆、打磨、过滤、调pH、酶解、灭酶、调配等工艺处理。通过正交试验得出酶解海带浆的最佳工艺参数为pH4.5、温度50℃、酶用量0.06%、酶解时间2 h;通过评价正交试验样品,得出最佳配方为海带粒浆体50%、蜂蜜20%、海藻糖1 5%、柠檬酸0.2%、β-环糊精0.08%。
In this paper, a new oral liquid was developed and it' s main raw materials were honey and kelp, the kelp was treated by soaking, washing, shredding, curing, refining, polishing, filtering, adjusting PH, enzyme, lostting activity of enzyme, blending. Orthogonal experiment showed that the optimum enzyme kelp slurry parameters PH4.5, temperature 50 ℃, enzyme dosage of 0.06%, hydrolysis time 2h; through the evaluation of orthogonal test samples, we can see that the best formula was the kelp tablets pulp body 50% , honey 20% , trehalose15%, citric acid 0.2%, 13-cyclodextrin 0.08%.
Journal of Bee