针对目前超市中纸质价码标签的信息更新时间长、手工更换效率低、人力成本高等缺点,开发出一套基于ZigBee协议栈BitCloud的低功耗电子货架标签(Electronic Shelf Label,简称ESL)系统。它以AT91SAM3S4C作为协调器和路由器控制芯片,ATmega128rfa1为终端节点控制芯片,构成一个多路由的Mesh网络。给出了系统的方案设计,并从软硬件两方面对系统能耗进行分析。结果表明节点的信息更新周期、空闲时间与睡眠时间的比值与功耗息息相关;而减少通信流量、选用较低工作频率、较低工作电压亦能有效降低系统功耗。
An ultra low-power electronic shelf label (referred to as ESL) system based on the ZigBee stack called BitCloud is developed to avoid the drawbacks of paper price tag in the supermarket, including long wasting time of information update, low efficiency of manual replacement, high labor costs and so on. It uses AT91 SAM3S4C as the controller of coordinator and router, Atmega128rfal as the controller of terminal node, and topologies in a multiple routing mesh network. The system design scheme is given. The system power consumption is analyzes from the hardware and software aspects. Results show that the update cycle and the ratio of leisure time to sleep time are closely related to the power consumption. Reducing the communication traffic, selecting the lower working frequency and voltage can also reduce the power consumption of the system.
Science Technology and Engineering