利用复合井壁的措施,立井井壁在生产经营阶段的破裂问题已基本得到了解决;但是,冻结壁解冻过程中的井壁破裂问题却长期存在着。为了详细分析立井井壁受力因素及过程,找出导致井壁破裂的真正原因,并提出切合实际的防破措施,笔者从物理学中的热胀冷缩原理出发,结合弹性力学中的热弹性理论及土力学中的 Winkller 地基模型,正确地推论出了冻结壁解冻期立井井壁应力的分布规律,并根据应力成分的分析,得出了温度因素才是导致井壁破裂的根本原因的重要结论。不仅从理论上解释了该阶段井壁破裂的一系列特征,而且为根本解决该阶段深立井的破裂提供了理论依据。
The paper is to find out the true reason resulting in shaft rupture and offer theoretic foundation for making the measures to prevent shaft rupture in the melting stage of frozen wall. All kinds of factors resulting in shaft-wall rupture, which include temperature and ground pressure as well as the shaft-wall weight in soil, are analyzed. The dangerous rupture positions of shaft-wall are found by the research of ground stress and the friction distribution laws produced by the longitudinal thermal expansion and the shaft-wall weight in soil. Based on the thermal expansion principle and the thermoelastic theory as well as Winkler foundation model, the stress formulae are established. All kinds of stress components in the stress, which occurs at the dangerous point in shaft-wall, are researched. The result shows that the thermal factor is the most main rupture factor of shaft-wall. Finally, a series of prevention and cure measures are suggested. The theory in present paper can be used as the foundation for the design of deep shaft lining.
Rock and Soil Mechanics