
新兴产业产品研发的组织模式选择——以中国新能源汽车产业为例 被引量:5

The Choice of Organization Pattern of R&D in Strategic Emerging Industries:In Case of New Energy Automotive Industry in China
摘要 作为后发国家的中国,现有产业的发展主要依赖国外成熟产品和标准化生产技术的引进。战略性新兴产业的启动和发展则属于系统创新,是新产品的研发和市场化过程。在新兴产业发展的初始阶段,由于适应市场需求的产品整体架构知识的缺乏,市场和技术的不确定性往往使产品研发和市场化陷入僵局。本文的研究表明,对新兴产业的发展而言,在产品研发和市场化的早期阶段,垂直一体化的研发组织安排更有利于产品整体架构知识的形成和积累。政府应当选择扶持具有市场适应能力的企业,鼓励建立垂直一体化的研发组织以加快和提高新产品研发和市场化的进程和效率,启动和发展战略性新兴产业。 As a developing country, China starts and develops strategic emerging industries must depend on new products' research and development that meet the emerging market demand as a guide and marketization. It is different from traditional industries' development which can rely on standardized producing technology and the introduction of mature product. During the initial phase of the strategic emerging industries' developing, both the market demand of new products and technol- ogy path are uncertain. The paper shows that during the initial phase of the strategic emerging starts and develops, the high transition cost of the tacit knowledge exchange limited professional R&D or- ganizations, meanwhile the R&D vertical integration organization mode of new products can reduce the transition cost of the tacit knowledge exchange, accelerating the process of the R&D of new prod- ucts. In the angle of the industry policy, the government should choose new enterprises with market adaptability and innovation to provide policy help, to encourage the enterprises to set up vertical in- tegration R&D organization to improve and accelerate the process and efficiency of the R&D and marketization of new oroducts.
作者 刘刚 荣欣
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期7-13,20,共8页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目"新的发展阶段‘创新租金’驱动的经济发展方式研究"(10BJL017)的阶段性成果
关键词 战略性新兴产业 研发组织 知识积累 市场和技术不确定性 the strategic emerging industry R&D network tacit knowledge uncertainty of themarket demand and the technology path
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