Talk therapies such as talking about oneg feelings and problems have been thought to be an effective method for minimizing the impact of negative emotional events on current experience. Recently, a number of studies of affect - labeling / matching were conducted on normalindividuals, and the neural mechanisms by which putting feelings into words may alleviate negative emotional responses have been discovered. After going through a major traumatic event, people might suffer fl'om mental disorder to varying degrees ; some people even develop post - traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Talk therapies are often used as one of the psychological intervention methods for PTSD. How- ever, some researchers believe that using talk therapies, such as critical incidence stress debriefing, can worsen rather than ameliorate later trauma symptoms. Different clinical psychologists have different opinions, and the validity of talk therapy for PTSD has become an issue of heated debate. Therefore, the present study aims to explore this problem by using affect labeling paradigms. The subjects in the present study included three groups: the PTSD group who experienced the earthquake, the traumatized control (TC) group who experienced the earthquake but without PTSD and the non -traumatized control (NTC) group who never experienced any traumatic events. All the subjects performed an affect - labeling / matching task first and then made an odd - even decision to a digit that used a picture as background. The background pictures might be either the "target picture" which was affect - labeled or af- fect - matched in the preceding task or a new picture which was similar to the "target pictures". Experiment 1 used earthquake pictures as materials and showed that the PTSD individuals responded significantly fast and accurate- ly when the affect - labeling pictures were in the background. However, the NTC individuals responded significant accurately when the new pictures were in the background. Experiment 2 used negat
Journal of Psychological Science
post - traumatic stress disorder, affect - labeling, affect - matching