戊型病毒性肝炎(戊肝)是由戊肝病毒(HepatitisE Virus,HEV)引起的急性病毒性肝炎。HEV是一种单链、非包膜的RNA病毒,分为4个基因型,主要通过粪口途径传播,也可以通过输血传播和母婴传播。戊肝主要在发展中国家流行,但欧美等发达国家亦有散发病例。戊肝是一种人畜共患病。酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)是目前用于检测血清HEV抗体最常用的方法。HEV RNA检测可证实HEV感染。目前,HEV疫苗的研究主要集中在HEV基因工程疫苗的研制。2012年10月HEV疫苗上市。采用切断传播途径为主的综合性预防措施可控制该病的流行,接种疫苗也是预防戊型肝炎的重要措施。
Objective Hepatitis E (HE) is one kind of acute infectious disease caused by Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) which has four genotypes. HEV is one kind of sigle-line and non-diolame RNA virus, which is transmitted in a faecal-oral route, metachysis and maternal-neonatal transmission. HE is occurs predominantly in developing countries, sometimes occurs in Europe and America. HE is one kind of zoonosis. ELISA is the main test method. And HEV RNA test is another effective method. At present, genetic engineering is the primary coverage in manufacture of HEV vaccine. In Oct. 2012, the first vaccine was developed, meanwhile, cutting off the route of transmission is another main measure of HEV prevention.
Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine