器官移植接受者戊肝病毒的感染是一个新发并引起关注的问题。在免疫力正常的人群中,戊肝病毒的感染通常表现为急性自限性肝炎,但是,目前有研究报道在器官移植接受者及免疫缺陷人群,包括人类免疫缺陷病毒感染者中,HEV感染可转为慢性。在这些患者中,戊肝病毒感染可能更为严重,甚至发展为肝硬化,最终导致移植失败。在免疫抑制人群中,HEV感染的诊断主要依赖于HEV RNA的检测。
Hepatitis E virus(HEV)is an emerging problem among transplant recipients.HEV infection usually induces self-limiting liver disease in immunocompetent individuals.Cases of chronic hepatitis E have recently been identified in organ transplant recipient and in immunocomprized individuals,including those infected with HIV.The course in these patients may be severe,leading to cirrhose.The diagnosis of HEV infection should be based on HEV RNA determination in immunosuppressed patients.
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