Objective To study the diagnosis,treatment and pathological analysis of glomus tumor in lower limb to reduce the re- currence after operation. Methods The clinic data of 10 patients with glomus tumor in lower limb were collected,who felt local pain and had fixed tenderness between February 2007 and May 2013. Love's pin test, Hildreth" test, and a cold sensitivity test, Ultrasono graphic imaging test and MRI were performed before operation. Glomus tumor of all patients were removed completely,and histological examinations were confirmed. Result After an average follow-up of 1 year, there was no recurrence in patients., preoperative positive symptoms disappeared entirely and body examination appearred negative. Conclusion Love's pin test, Ultrasono graphic imaging test and MRI before operation was useful of diagnosis, removing glomus tumor and capsule outside completely according to the feature of pathological analysis could reduce the the recurrence after operation.
Journal of Binzhou Medical University
glomus tumor, lower limb, pathology