

A Real-time Forecasting Method of Entities in Internet of Things Based on Cycle Models
摘要 对物联网中实体的海量数据进行分析处理成为了物联网应用层发展的基础,很多应用场合需要对物联网实体状态进行预测。物联网中的实体状态具有强实时性和高动态性,通过判断物联网实体的周期模式采用合理的预测模型,对特定时间段建立时间窗口,预测出实体状态的概率值。该预测方法耗时短,能在2~4s给出预测结果,且准确度高,能与实际相符合,对物联网应用层的决策分析起到了很好的指示作用。 The analysis and processing of vast amounts of data of entities in the Internet of Things (IOT) has become the basis for the development of IOT application layer. Many applications need to predict the states of entities in IOT. States of entities in IOT are strong real-time and high dynamic. By judging cycle mode of entities in IOT and establishing the time window of a specific period of time, reasonable prediction model is used to predict the probability value of future state of entities. The prediction method is of short time-consuming and high accuracy. With this method, the prediction result can be given in 2 -4 s and it is in accordance with actual one. It plays a role of good indicator in the decision-making analysis of IOT ap- plication layer.
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2013年第10期1347-1351,共5页 Telecommunication Engineering
关键词 物联网 应用层 实体状态 实时预测 周期模型 Internet of Things application layer entities state real-time forecasting cycle model
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