分析63家医院收治的6004例急性中毒病例的相关毒物,共有532种,按医药、农药、化学、动物、植物、其他分为6类,各类毒物数为217、148、61、34、36、36种,分别占总毒物数的40.8%、27.8%、11.5%、6.4%、6.8%、6.7%.将各类毒物按中毒病例数分为低、中、高发病3组,各组毒物数分别为462(86.8%)、59(11.1%)、11(2.1%)种.各类毒物按中毒发生年数分为5个组,各类毒物合计数分别为320(60.2%)、91(17.1%)、34(6.4%)、33(6.2%)、54(10.1%)种.各类毒物按发生中毒的时间分为1年、间断、常年中毒3个组,各类毒物合计数分别为320(60.2%)、158 (29.7%)、54(10.1%)种.
A total of 6004 cases of acute poisoning with 532 kinds of related poisons from 63 hospitals were analyzed. According to the classification of pharmaceutical, pesticide, chemical, animal, plant and other poisons, the numbers of poison categories were 217, 148, 61, 34, 36 and 36 kinds accounting for 40.8% , 27.8% , 11.5% , 6.4% , 6.8% , 6.7% of total number of poisons respectively. According to the case count, they were divided into three groups of low, medium and high morbidity and their poison numbers were 462, 59 and 11 kinds accounting for 86.8% , 11.1% , 2.1% of total number of poisons respectively. According to the types of poisons, they were divided into five groups of poisoning 1,2, 3, 4, 5 years and their poison numbers were 320, 91, 34, 33 and 54 kinds accounting for 60.2% , 17. 1% , 6.4% , 6.2% , 10.1% of total number of poisons respectively. According to the time of poisoning, they were divided into three groups of 1-year, discontinuous and perennial poisoning and their poison numbers were 320, 158 and 54 kinds accounting for 60.2% , 29.7% , 10.1% of total number of poisons respectively.
Chinese Journal of General Practitioners
Acute poisoning
Poison classificstion