
土地非农化生态价值损失估算 被引量:8

Estimation on Loss of Ecological Value in the Process of Land's Non-agriculturalization
摘要 随着城镇化、工业化的快速推进,我国城乡建设用地快速扩展使农用地保护面临巨大挑战,从经济机制上防止土地过度非农化尤为重要。该文对土地非农化生态价值损失过程机制进行了理论探索,建立了价值损失估算方法,并以江汉平原为例进行案例分析。研究表明:单纯的市场机制没有考虑土地非农化造成的生态价值损失,无法实现土地资源最佳配置,非农化规模偏大;土地非农化生态价值损失巨大,1987-2010年江汉平原因此累计损失73 692.11万元,人均承担49.25元;不同类型土地的生态价值损失强度有所差异,每公顷的自然保留地、水域、林地、草地、耕地非农化价值损失分别为2.459 8万元/a,2.036 7万元/a,1.262 9万元/a,0.524 1万元/a,0.354 8万元/a。文章认为,发展与保护始终是土地资源优化配置必然要面对的难题,土地非农化是社会经济发展过程中的必然现象,也是一个土地生态服务功能不断减少和消亡的过程。土地非农化虽然在一定程度上提高了土地的经济效益和社会效益,但生态效益损失巨大,可能会导致总效益净减。土地过度非农化在很大程度上是由于传统市场体系仅部分考虑了土地的经济、社会功能,而几乎完全没有考虑其生态价值导致的。作为一类负外部性,土地非农化过程中的生态价值损失如果不能得到及时遏制,快速增长的城乡建设用地需求将使农地保护面临巨大威胁,这需要将生态价值纳入土地价值体系,计入征地成本,并在一定程度上提高现行土地价格体系的合理性,防止建设用地的过度扩张,减少生态价值损失。 With rapid development of urbanization and industrialization,urban-rural construction land in China becomes a big challenge in conserving agricultural land.This study insists that it is a good point to prevent non-agriculturalization in land-use through economic regulating mechanism.This paper explored theories about ecological value loss mechanism during the process of nonagriculturalization of arable land and established an estimate method on ecological loss.Jianghan Plain was chosen as a case study in order to verify the estimate method.The results of this study show that:①the current market regulating mechanism fails to include ecological cost produced during the non-agriculturalization of arable land,so it cannot achieve the best configuration of land resources.Even worse,it leads to excessive scale of non-agriculture land.②Non-agriculturalization of arable land generates great ecological cost.The aggregated ecological losses of Jianghan Plain gets to 737 million RMB from 1987 to 2010,a loss of 49.25 RMB for everyone on average.③Ecological value losses of different land types are quite different.Every year,the ecological value loss of natural reserved land per ha is 24 598 RMB,and value losses of water area,woodland,grassland and arable land are 20 367,12 629,5 241 and 3 548 RMB respectively.As a result,this paper finds that development and protection have always been a problem of land resource optimal allocation.Land' s non-agricultural use is an inevitable phenomenon in the process of socio-economic development,and is also a declining and dying process of land ecosystem service.To some extent,although non-agriculturalization improves the economic and social benefits of the land,the ecological benefits suffer huge losses,which may result in a net reduction of the total benefits.Excessive land conversion is largely due to the fact traditional market system only considers partially the economic and social function of land,and hardly considers its ecological value.As a kind of negative externality,if
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期146-150,共5页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"集体林权制度改革对农户生计及生态足迹的影响研究"(编号:71103073) 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(湖泊主题)"富营养化初期湖泊(洱海)防控整装成套技术集成及流域环境综合管理平台建设"(编号:2013ZX07105005) 华中师范大学基本科研业务费专项资金项目"集体林权制度改革的景观生态风险效应研究"(编号:CCNU12A01003)
关键词 非农化 生态价值 估算方法 土地利用转移矩阵 江汉平原 non-agriculturalization ecological value estimation method land use transition matrix Jianghan Plain
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